COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this introductorycourse is to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniquesof stage design.The course is organized around two axes: theoretical and practical and aims to present and analyse the evolutionary course of the theatrical and stage space and to acquaint students with its creative approach. The approach and emphasis given to the contemporary stage scene is aimed at helping students to analyse and understand the relationship of the scenic space with the theatrical performance and its visual approach. Also, in the practice-laboratory, students have the opportunity to create a real dimension space and by any means, divided into groups and in collaboration with other teachers without necessarily referring to a specific play. Practical training aims to stimulate their creative and visual potential, to connect space, time with stage performance and stage performance. The references are based on the problems of modern art
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: identify, apply, develop, and reproduce the creative methods of scenic and theatre design. Apply the methods and the completion of the techniques to combine the scenography study with the direction (mise en scene), the artistic explanations and technical details necessary for realisation. Also, they will able to know, recall, analyze and synthesize diverse elements proper to approach the presenting of the final proposal. They also will be able to approach the contemporary art (installations, performance, site specific). The students due to this course will be able to approach, analyze and finally create an elementary scenic design through a play and support the visualization of the theatrical text.